To link your Ally account, please refer to our previous entry here and then follow the additional steps below:
-Log in to your account.
-In the menu bar, navigate to "Tools" > "Ally Invest API" > "Manage Applications".
-Click "Create a new application" and make a "Personal Application".
-Fill out all the fields, then click "Create".
-Return to "Manage Applications".
-Locate the app you just created under "Developer Applications", and open it.
-Copy the API tokens: CONSUMER KEY, CONSUMER SECRET, AUTH TOKEN, and OAUTH TOKEN SECRET, and enter these values when you sync your account.
You may also visit which includes a dedicated section that helps address common questions you might have about how Plaid works, their security practice, and tips for troubleshooting. Additionally, there is which is a portal through which you can view and manage the connections you've made using Plaid.