How Can I Link My Seeking Alpha Portfolio With My Broker?

  • Premium and PRO subscribers can seamlessly link their brokerage accounts to their Seeking Alpha portfolios.
  • By using this feature, you can keep your portfolio updated automatically and gain valuable insights into your holdings.
  • It helps you view all your holdings across multiple brokerages in one place.
  • All major US brokerages are supported along with many more institutions in the US and globally.

By linking your accounts, you no longer need to manually maintain your Seeking Alpha portfolio when you buy and sell stocks. Once a link is established, the changes from your broker will be updated automatically on a daily basis.

To establish a link to your broker, simply click the "+ New Portfolio" button under the All Portfolios section:

Screenshot 2024-07-11 at 7.19.41 PM

Click on "Link Broker" button and follow the on-screen step-by-step instructions:

Screenshot 2024-07-11 at 7.11.32 PMOnce your accounts are linked, you will be able to track real-time stock prices, cost basis, total change, and total account value for each individual portfolio, and for all your portfolios combined, you will also be able to see stock ratings and factor grades on all your latest holdings, updated on a daily basis.

You will be automatically subscribed to real-time alerts on your most current holdings, so you don't miss a critical news story or analysis article.

To Unlink your account, you need to click on the Link button again and you will be prompted with the "Un-link Broker" option as shown below.

Please note:

  • We currently support only US-based brokers.
  • Users who have MFA enabled need to reconnect every time with an OTP to get their portfolio updated.
  • Linked Portfolio will show the value of stocks in USD only.

Please email us at or give us a call at 1-347-509-6837 if you need any help.

If you haven't subscribed to Premium yet, you can unlock access to our subscriber-only features by signing up here.