What Search Commands Can I Use When Searching Chat History?

You can use the following commands before or after entering your search term:


from:me to search for messages only created by the current user.


from:user.name to search for messages created by a specific user. The username entered must be in the format without spaces (i.e. "john.doe" and not "John Doe"). If you want to search for anytime a user was mentioned, simply search for their username.


has:star returns messages that are starred by the current user.


is:pinned or has:pin returns messages that are pinned in the current channel.


has:url or has:link returns messages that contain a link.


before:dd/mm/yyyyafter:dd/mm/yyyy and on:dd/mm/yyyy return messages that were created before, after or on the provided date. You can also use dashes (dd-mm-yyyy) or dots (dd.mm.yyyy) instead of slashes.


order:asc sorts messages by ascending timestamp. You can also use order:ascend or order:ascending

order:desc sorts messages by descending timestamp. You can also use order:descend or order:descending.