How Do I Mute/Unmute an Analyst or a User?

To "Mute" an Analyst/User 

Step 1: Click on the Analyst's name above the summary of the article.

Step 2: It will take you to the Analyst's profile page. There, at the top right, click on the "Mute" button.

Result: You won't see articles by that analyst or receive email alerts for articles by them.


To "Unmute" an Analyst /User that you've previously "Muted"

Step 1: Go to your account settings page

Step 2: There, click on the "Privacy" tab and then on  the "Manage List" button.

Step 3: Then, use the "Unmute" button next to the user that you wish to unmute and click on "Confirm"

Please email us at or give us a call at 1-347-509-6837 if you need any help.


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