How Do I Follow/Unfollow an Analyst or a User?

To "Follow" a User/Analyst on Seeking Alpha:

First, log in to your account and search for the Analyst by inputting the name in the search box, as shown below.

Select the correct option in the dropdown (if more than one option appears) to go to the Analyst profile page, where you will see the "Follow" button on the top left. Click on that to start "Following" the Analyst.

After following the Analyst, you will see their posts in your People Feed and receive email alerts when they publish new articles.


To "Unfollow" a User/Analyst on Seeking Alpha:

Step1. Click on your profile icon (human figure) in the top right corner of the screen, and then click on "Profile"

Step 2. Go on the "Following" tab

Step 3. Hover over the Following button next to the user/Analyst name, that you wish to unfollow, and then click "Unfollow" to stop following them

You can also go to the Analyst's page directly and Unfollow them by clicking on the "Following" button.

If you want to undo the operation, click Follow again on the same user.

Please email us at or give us a call at 1-347-509-6837 if you need any help.


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