Difference Between Financials and Estimate Numbers

Seeking Alpha displays Financials and Estimates data received from S&P Capital IQ.
S&P undertakes normalization for both sets of data, for improved comparability across sectors and industries.

Still, S&P Financials and S&P Estimate may have different values for the same data e.g. EPS.
This is because for financial statements the rulebook for normalization is internal to S&P Capital IQ, while for S&P Estimates the rulebook for normalization is based on the techniques used by the Analysts in their research reports, and sometimes these could be different.

An example of affected data points:
There may be cases when the EPS Estimate Growth may seem to not line up when the user compares EPS for FY0 from Financials, while EPS for FY1 is taken from estimates.
This is because at Seeking Alpha, we show EPS estimate growth based on EPS FY0 actual along with EPS Estimate FY1 from S&P Estimate.