Are Seeking Alpha Quotes Real-Time?

Seeking Alpha sources ticker quotes from a IEX (our data vendor). We have 2 levels of service agreement with our vendor:

1. Realtime Quotes - Quotes for tickers that trade on the IEX exchange are delivered in Realtime, they are usually frequently traded securities Ex. AAPL, MSFT etc. The system allows 15-minutes as a grace period for real-time quotes i.e. the system displays the label as 'Realtime' if the time difference between 2 quotes is less than 15 minutes.

2. Delayed Quotes: Quotes for thinly traded securities are delivered in delayed form i.e. stocks for which no trade has happened on the IEX exchange in the last 15 minutes. In such cases, the most recent quote from another exchange is displayed with a 'Delayed' label.

Both the Real-time and Delayed labels are displayed on the symbol page, respectively.
Also, Aftermarket quotes are delayed by 15 minutes.

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