At this time, Seeking Alpha is focused on supporting and growing its existing Investing Groups. With this in mind, we have put all new launches on hold for the foreseeable future. We may make a rare exception and consider a potential launch only in the following cases:
- You are an active Seeking Alpha analyst in good standing with the editorial team and have more than 20,000 followers. You can review these metrics yourself on your Analyst Stats Dashboard.
- You are running a paid subscription service outside of Seeking Alpha with the ability to work with us to migrate your paying subscribers to our platform. The paying subscriber base would need to be substantial in revenue to justify our dedicated resources for the transition campaign and as we launch and maintain your new service with us.
- In both of the above cases, we would also need confirmation that your subscription service would be exclusively available on Seeking Alpha to avoid any cross-promotion since we don’t allow Investing Group leaders to use our platform to promote outside products.
- A clear and unique value proposition for potential subscribers via your proposed service and the ability to communicate investing ideas clearly, follow your passion, and have a unique methodology.
Revenue for Investing Groups depends on the type of subscriber and works as follows.
- New Subscriber: 90% to Investing Group Leader, 10% to Seeking Alpha
- Existing Subscriber: Year 1: 30% to IG Leader and 70% to SA. Year 2+: 50% to IG Leader and 50% to SA.
New Subscriber: Has no current paid subscriptions or free trials to any Seeking Alpha product and has had no paid subscriptions during the previous 12 months. Also, any subscribers who sign up through designated service affiliate links that can be shared offsite and in certain onsite marketing units.
Existing Subscriber: Currently a paying subscriber to any Seeking Alpha product or who was a paid subscriber at any point during the previous 12 months. Also includes any user with an active free trial.
More details will be available should we move ahead together. Full terms will be shared for your review and approval before we launch your Investing Group.
If you meet the above benchmarks and are ready to start working on a service, email us at and include the below information in your email:
- Please provide your “Total Followers” and “Real-Time Followers” metrics on Seeking Alpha. Again, please do not reach out to us unless you have more than 20,000 total followers.
- Please also calculate your “Follower to Article” ratio (divide the number of your Followers by the number of Articles you have published) and state that metric as well.
- If you don’t have a following or contributor account yet on Seeking Alpha and wish to migrate from another platform, please email us the number of paying subscribers you plan to migrate as well as a breakdown of what you’re currently charging and your monthly or annual recurring revenue metrics.
- Please explain, in 100 words or fewer, the type of Investing Group you would like to run by explaining your specific sector(s) of coverage or your unique methodology. What will be the approach and/or brand of your service? This should be brief. If we move ahead together, we will send you a comprehensive pitch document.
- Please let us know when you will be ready to commit to setting up the service. As mentioned above, our onboarding process takes 1–2 weeks and involves multiple stages. Please explain when you would like to get started on the setup as well as your ideal launch date.